It's been a while. And I'm back. Back with a confession:
Today was not one of my best days. Found myself in and out of a funky place pretty much all day... Holding onto and worrying about things that I cannot control, dwelling on things that may or may not be. Not my normal SELF.
Tonight I taught. Per usual I brought in my lessons and my work into class and shared with my students. My message: Don't sweat what you have no control over. Let. That. Shit. Go. Make room for the new and stop worrying so much about "how" things will work out. TRUST. Trust that the Universe will give you exactly what you need and want. Let go of what is not serving you; what doesn't make you feel amazing.
Immediately after class I felt so, so good. Being able to simply teach and share with my students and my classes is unbelievably fulfilling and EXACTLY what I needed. So, regardless of my worries of where my path "should" be, where it's going, where it will lead, where it will go, I KNOW that teaching and sharing is what I am meant to do and above ALL things, I am so fuc*ing grateful that I get to share and LIVE my passion and my dharma every single day. And for that, I will allow more trust and let go of the unknown. In the present is where I shall stay.
Much more to come my loved ones. Much more. Stay fabulous.