Happy Friday! Hopefully everyone is ending the week on a high note and embracing the amazing weather that is about to be dropped on our great city. Today I want to take just a bit of time out to share a story with you that has to deal with my recently constructed vision board. I’m doing this for two reasons: 1. Quite a few of my co-workers, family and friends have asked how a vision board works and how it can help them. 2. Uhhh… It’s working. No joke.
Back up to Wednesday: As I settled into my work station with my morning coffee I began to kick start my February calendar into gear and make sure my week ahead was on track. As I’m doing this I couldn’t help but notice that my “to do’s” and notes I was jotting down for my week included two major things that I’ve had my sights set on for quite some time. Over the past month or so I have been working extremely hard to manifest and achieve these two very specific goals (they happen to be personal and career oriented); and here they were, looking right back at me. An amazing feeling, to say the least. To be able to come to the realization that I, personally, made these things a reality in such a short time was a perfect way to start my hump day. I even thought to myself, “Okay Keri, here we go. This year is starting to align exactly how you want. Keep it movin’ sister.”
Later that same day I returned home from a class and smoothie date with a friend and decided to do a little midday meditation. Per usual I prop myself up, sit in front of my altar, get quiet and do my thing. As I finished and opened my eyes I looked up at my strategically placed vision board. Behold! What are the very first things my eyes were drawn to? The exact two things that I had just written down in my notes earlier that morning -- marked ACHIEVED. Glued smack dab in the middle of my poster board, side by side staring right at me. Talk about a double take. So, so crazy. To know that I, that YOU, have the power over what you want to attract into your life is such an amazing thing, such a gift. Powerful. So freaking powerful.
So, assuming I now have your interest piqued, what exactly is a vision board? For those of you who are not familiar, let me give you my take. Vision boards can also be known as inspiration, energy or dream boards. Regardless of the name you give them, they are a very powerful visualization tool that represents WHERE you want to be in life, WHO you want to be in life and WHAT you want to attract more of into your life. At its core, it’s a representation of your highest sense of Self. It’s a collection of images of all of the people, places, things, quotes, pictures, mantras, etc. that inspire YOU. That’s the thing to keep in mind. It is all about YOU. Vision boards are said to be most effective when they are positioned in a place that you will see them every single day – the more often, the better. The reasoning behind this is because our attention is a very powerful thing and where that attention goes, energy flows. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “you are the product of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Well, I like to think that the same principle is seen here: What we focus on and hold our attention on the most is what is going to show up the most in our lives. It’s basic law of attraction, really. And again, it’s powerful (I cannot say that enough).
For my board I took images of any and everything that inspires me. I chose images of yoga poses, teachers that I look up to, the kind of house I want to live in, quotes and mantras I want to live by, friends that motivate me, clippings of green smoothies and happy little hearts jumping around saying “Be Healthy!!” There’s no right and no wrong with where you go with this. YOU make it YOU. And to be honest, I had a lot of fun searching for images on the internet, in Yoga Journal, cutting out pictures of the amazing people in my life and so on. Putting it all together and displaying it is just the icing on one HUGE motivational cake. Once you begin to see it work and see those images become your reality, whoa. Look out. You are in for a magical little treat.
So, go on. Get stated. Get inspired. Get moving. Go get what you want. Whatever it is, you can have it. Trust.
Love, light and ABUNDANCE to you ALL.