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here we go.

Hello to all and welcome to not only my first blog, but my very first blog post! I am excited, I am nervous and most of all I am so anxious to start sharing and connecting with all of you.

For those of you reading this that do not know me, my name is Keri. I am a Saint Louis based yogi and yoga teacher who so happily resides in the lovely and historic South Saint Louis, MO. I am relatively new to the yoga scene here but I can not help but to see things starting to rapidly grow and take off in this wonderful, little city.

I will get right to point as to my my intention and hopes for this blog: My life, not long ago was completely fipped upside down and transformed into something I would've never thought was possible. Rewind a couple of years... I was your average 20 something, late 20's to be exact, chick working for a company/boss and with people that I could not stand. I would literally start to count down the hours to Friday evening's happy hour after my Monday mornng meetings. My personal and family life were okay, but I felt lke I was missing something. I was searching for something deeper, someting more meaningful in my life, my career and my relationships. Fast forward to the present and I can tell you that I have found it--and then some! I am doing things now that I never dreamed I would be doing. My relationships are deeper and more meaningful than they have ever been. My career is taking off and I wake up everyday and do what I love. Most of all though, I am happy, truly happy down to my core and I am certain that if I can go through these changes and transform my life, anyone can do it. Seriously.

So, what I want to do with all of you is share. I want to share all of my experieinces, all of the things I have learned and am in the process of learning (beacuse there is so, sooooo much more to come) to hopefully inspire, inform and help my readers. I want to share my experienes through yoga as a whole and with what is going on in the STL yoga community. I want to share recipes and holistic ways to heal, soothe and take care of your body as I experience them. I want to answer your questions and give you feedback. I want to grow from this. I want to learn through my experience and take you on this journey with me. Oh, and more thing, I want to have a lot of fun and really try to get to know you and myself better.

So, here we go. Any and everyone is welcome. I hope you all enjoy and stay along for the ride. Stay tuned and watch as my "yogi life in the lou" unfolds.



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